Page header

This data is used on the Home page header as Title (H1) and subtitle (H2). Use the following link to shrink images bigger than 800 Kb.

Shrink your images

Header title


This will be used as the H1 for this page.

Header subtitle


This will be used as the H2 for this page.

Header summary


You can turn this field on or off using the toggle.

Header Main background

Drag and drop you background image here. Upload limit 800 KB.

Aboutusimage thumb

Header Small background Angled

Drag and drop you background image here. Upload limit 800 KB.

about-bg thumb

Add/edit author

Enter author information and profile picture. Drag and drop your pictures in the related areas. Imagelimit size 500 Kb.

Shrink the size of your images

Author's name *

Enter the full name of the author. THe permalink will be generated automatically.

Username *

Choose a username for this author to sign all his/her posts. This value will be used also for SEO purposes. You could even retype the author's full name.

Email *

This data will be used to contact authors directly through the admin area and their profile pages.

Profile image *

For better results make sure to upload a square image of at least 600x600 px of 500KB max size.

Short description

Write a short description for this blog post. This will be used in the blog list page and for SEO purposes.

Short introduction

Enter a short rpesentation for this author.

Full bio

Enter the author full biography, you can also add pictures and videos.


Optional publishing settings, read carefully the informational text to know what each option is used for.

* Required fields

Set as Featured

By marking this author as featured it will appear always at the top of the list in your team page.

Set as Inactive

By setting this author as inactive it will be hidden from your live website but it will be saved in your admin area, so you can edit and publish at a later time.

Intro paragraph

This is the first text area after the header.

Shrink your images



The title for this section

Section paragraph


Enter a short paragraph.

Content grid

Those settings refers to the text area before the grid. If you don't need it you can leave these fields empty.

Intro paragraph


Enter a title for this intro paragraph.

Text box 1


Enter a title and some text for this text box.

Text box 2


Enter a title and some text for this text box.

Text box 3


Enter a title and some text for this text box.

Image boxes

Enter the three images to display in the home services grid.

grid-bg-1 thumb

grid-bg-2 thumb

grid-bg-3 thumb

Q & A Section


Enter a title and some text for this text box.